Luke 18:10-14

Scripture warns us that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6; Prov. 3:34). Jesus paints a vivid story of two men at prayer. What’s the point or lesson he wants us to learn? Luke gives us a hint: Jesus warns us about the danger of despising others. Contempt is more than being mean-minded. It springs from the assumption that one is qualified to sit in the judgment seat and ascertain who is good and just. Jesus’ story caused offense for those who regarded “tax collectors” as unworthy of God’s grace and favor. How could Jesus put down a “religious leader” and raise up a “public sinner”? Jesus’ parable speaks about the nature of prayer and our relationship with God. It does this by contrasting two very different attitudes towards prayer. The Pharisee, who represented those who take pride in their religious practices, exalted himself at the expense of others. Absorbed with his own self-satisfaction and self-congratulation, he mainly prayed with himself.

His prayer consisted of prideful boasts of what he did and disdain for those he despised. The Pharisee tried to justify himself, but only God could justify it. The tax collector, who represented those despised by religious people, humbled himself before God and begged for mercy. God heard his prayer because he had remorse for his sins. He sought God with humility rather than with pride. This parable presents both an opportunity and a warning. Pride leads to illusion and self-deception. Humility helps us see ourselves as we are, and it inclines us to God’s grace and mercy. God dwells with humble hearts who recognize their own sinfulness and acknowledge God’s mercy and saving grace. I dwell in the high and holy place, and with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit (Isaiah 57:15). God cannot hear us if we despise others. Do you humbly seek God’s mercy and show mercy to others, especially those you find difficult to love and forgive?

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